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There isn't much here yet. This is supposed to be a page describing basic observations I have made in Computer Science that have nothing to do with work.
Here is a trivial paper on how to possibly speed up Win XP:
Here is a trivial parser in F#. It was one of my first F# attempts
and it probably needs some cleanup. I lost the solution, so I will
have to go back and recreate it before I can resume working on this:
F# Parser (PDF)
Here is a silly Alpha SqlHelper in F# I am working on and hope to
get back to very soon:
Note: There is a bug in the way it handles output parameters from T-SQL
Procedure calls. I have fixed the bug, but I haven't had time to post
the fix.
Here are the raw files (not very many ?huh?). I "may" post pretty
versions at a later time: