Peoplesoft: Non-Exact EffDt Can Misplace Related Data

Peoplesoft: Non-Exact EffDt Can Misplace Related Data

Once again, I was working on a PeopleSoft project. While working on a page that had three "related" tables, I made an interesting error that temporarily caused to me misplace some data.

The three tables were all related by two keys. One of the keys was a string proprietary to my employer and the other key was Effective Date (EffDt). I needed to get rid of some old and unused columns in the main table of the three.

I eliminated the columns with ease and saved the table, but then I had to build the table according to current PeopleSoft practice. Of course when I built the table, I got an error explaining that my current settings wouldn't allow PeopleSoft to drop tables that had data in them. Then, I tried alter by table rename with the drop columns option, but that also gave me an error. Eventually, I decided to nuke the table by recreating it. This of course blew away all of my data in the table, but I expected that.

Since there wasn't much data to recover, I decided to use a combination of copy/paste and manual typing to put the data back in the main table. When I got the data back in, I was pleased to find that the level 0 data on my page was mostly correct. Then, I was not so happy when I noticed that my level 1 data was gasp "missing."

I knew I had not messed with any of the data in the other two tables, so I couldn't understand where my level 1 data went. After all, I hadn't even touched my level 1 tables. Just to make sure, I looked in my version of Oracle SQL Developer and found that the data was still there.

I couldn't figure out what gave, so I played around with the keys of the main table for a while. Unfortunately, that didn't work. Apparently, I had not done anything serious to damage the keys that relate all three of the tables.

Eventually, it dawned on me that there must be a non-visible error in the data for the table keys. Even though the key data looked okay to me, I thought I must have missed some: special characters; extra spaces; or, invisible characters. After checking the keys for a while, I realized the problem had to be the EffDt field.

I ran an SQL statement similar to the following and the cause of the error was apparent:

         select * from tableOfInterest where EffDt = '3-SEP-2015';
(Table name and date were actually different in my environment)

When I got around to running the above mentioned SQL statement, I believe I had only one row with a date of 3-SEP-2015 actually show up with several others that didn't. That clued me in on the fact that Oracle SQL Developer was probably not showing me the entire dateTime value for my EffDt column. Some of the rows apparently had different times of days for the EffDt column even though they all had the same date.

When I realized the problem, I simply ran a few SQL update statements to correct the unmatched EffDt values. In my case, I didn't have much data and I was in a test environment, so I could simply do something similar to this:

            update tableOfInterest set EffDt = '3-SEP-2015';
            update relatedTable1 set EffDt = '3-SEP-2015';
            update relatedTable2 set EffDt = '3-SEP-2015';

Once the EffDt values were all matching, my Level 1 data reappareed on the page I was working with, and I no longer had to be in panic mode. Fortunately, I didn't break anything afterall...


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©2015 - Shawn Eary
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