Make sure you turn your volume down before you click "Start this Goofy 'Program'". You may find the generated tones "annoying"...

You need a recent version of Chromium Edge, Chrome or Firefox for this to work. Other browsers are untested. Internet Explorer will definitely not work.

If the code freaks out and you can't stand the sound, close the tab/browser or hit the refresh button which used to be also connected to F5.

I am not responsible for any damange this hacked together code may invoke on your electronic devices or mental well being...

This is supposed to be a game someday, but I'm easily distracted. This code is best run on your local PC right now, but it will very likely be put into my personal website some day.

If you visited CheezeBlaster recently, you may need to clear your browser cache... Sorry, I'm making a mess out of this code right now and your browser may have some old code laying around.

WARNING: Do not light a match while running this program...

Still working on this...

Press F5 or close your browser window to stop the program
Sorry I don't have a better UI/UX at this time. I'm slapping this stuff together in a hurry in my free time.